My son Blake was about a year old then, and he was taking pretty solid naps every day. Over the course of a weekend or two, I built the bulk of what is today. A free, simple Crossfit tracker, that provides graphs of your progress over time.
Crossfit is essentially an open-source business model. This speaks to my values as a software engineer and I could hardly ever give back to the Crossfit community what I have taken. is free for individuals and setting up an affiliate or group is also free. is and will always be free.
By not charging to use, I afford myself a bit of time in responding to support emails and setting up new groups. It let's me enjoy the process of enhancing the community without feeling pressured to deliver. is aimed primarily at helping individuals understand their work capacity better, and to show them how much fitter they have become.
Keep up all the great work, folks! Keep recommending to family and friends, to your Crossfit gym and beyond. Enjoy.