Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tweet your stats!

I've been using twitter for a while now (@briandoll). Now is on twitter too (@statulous)!

Last month, a member and twitter user, @jgrantmarshall asked if could post to twitter.

Enter twitterfeed! To get your log posted to your twitter account:
  1. Log into twitterfeed (with an OpenID provider, like Google)
  2. "Create New Feed"
  3. Enter your twitter credentials
  4. On, go to the "My Log" tab
  5. Copy the URL from the link named "with your own RSS feed!"
  6. Paste that URL into the "RSS Feed URL" form field on twitterfeed
  7. Keep the "include link" checkbox checked, to include a shortened link in your tweets back to the full version of your log entry.
I'll be using twitterfeed to add the blog posts to the twitter account.

Have fun!

1 comment:

Jason said...

Thanks! This looks pretty cool! I'll try to check this out tomorrow!