Saturday, January 24, 2009

New feature: Milestones

Crossfit workouts include a diverse set of activities to increase an athlete's fitness level across all fitness domains. Do a few different Crossfit workouts, and you're getting hit with weightlifting, gymnastics, metcons, and more.

Several Crossfit affiliates have put together their take on what could be called an "Athletic Levels & Milestones" chart. TJ's Gym has put a milestone chart in their welcome packet since day one. It categorizes specific activities into categories (Weightlifting, Gymnastics, etc.) and levels (Apprentice, Craftsman, Expert, Elite).

When I looked at this chart, a few questions came to mind:
  • What percentage of the "Apprentice" activities can I do?
  • What about "Craftsman" and so on?
  • In general, what are my strengths and weaknesses?
  • Might my weightlifting skill set be much higher than my gymnastic ability?
Introducing Milestones:
  • Activities are organized by level and then by category
  • Check off each activity as you complete them
  • See what percentage of each level you have completed
  • Get a graph depicting what percentage of each category in each level, you have completed
  • Spot trends of your strengths and weaknesses
  • Check your friends/clients milestones and see how they are doing
I hope you enjoy ticking off those milestones! Keep tracking!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Clean Eating, how I make it work

Clean Eating, how I make it work is a post I wrote on my personal blog that may be of interest to the broader audience. I aimed to boil down my 6 month journey into Crossfit and clean eating including details on implementation.

In December last year, I was looking at the 10 fitness domains written on the whiteboard at my gym and thought they mapped quite appropriately to my work life. Here is the resulting post aiming to help you Train to not suck at life.

As for, I'm working on some big additions to the site to help you track your progress. As always, please submit your feedback or email me directly if you have any ideas or issues.

Have fun, and keep tracking!